Thursday, November 21, 2019

4th International conference on Cardiology and Critical Care

4th International conference on Cardiology and Critical Care
August 28-29, 2020

About Larix International

Larix International is a group of prestigious publishers and global scientific conference organizers. Larix International is comprised of Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, and Industrialists administrates the conferences and journals by evaluating the scientific excellence and reviews the future proposals. Larix is an independent, self-governing organization propagates and promotes multi-disciplinary research on various fields of science. We are a non- profit organization, wholly owned by substantial and influential worldwide scientists. We are independent and innovative openness from researchers and academicians around the globe.

About Cardiology 2020

Cardiology 2019 provides a vibrant platform for sharing knowledge among the Cardiologists, Professors, students focusing on the New Research and Treatments. The workshops are designed for academic and industrial benefits who want to have updated knowledge on management and treatment techniques. The Conference gathers expert surgeons in the world to share their experience and guide participants to explore advanced surgical techniques.


·        Clinical and Interventional
·        Cardiology
·        Cardiovascular diseases
·        Hypertension
·        Cardiomyopathies
·        Atherosclerosis
·        Arrhythmia
·        Heart stroke
·        Pediatric Cardiology
·        Vascular Biology
·        Obesity and Heart
·        Cardiac Imaging
·        Echocardiography
·        Cardiac Transplantation
·        Pediatric Critical Care
·        Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
·        Cardiac Regeneration
·        Cardiac Surgery
·        Cardiology – Future Medicine
·        Trans-aortic valve replacement
·        Nuclear Cardiology


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What is Echocardiography?

Echocardiography is another form of ultrasound imaging. It allows the structures of the heart to be visualised. The imaging is done by a probe placed on the chest well. The two dimensional echocardiography (Trans Thoracic Echo or TTE) provides sections of the structures and chambers of the heart. Serial images may be combined to give a real time view.

Doppler Echocardiography is based on Doppler principle sound waves reflected from moving objects sustain a change in frequency. By detecting the speed and direction of red blood cells, we can accurately calculate the properties of blood flow. The information obtained may be converted to colour patterns to indicate velocity and direction of blood flow. This gives accurate measurement of valve leaks. Two dimensional echo combined with Doppler is a simple non-invasive and reliable method of assessing structure and function of heart.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What is the difference between ICU and CCU in the hospital?

ICU stands for "Intensive Care Unit."  It is a generic term for a unit that provides critical care and monitoring to patients with non-specific disease entities. Some smaller hospitals may have only one critical care unit, that takes all types of sick adult patients, but most hospitals of any size now have specialty critical care units:
CCU: Coronary (or cardiac) Intensive Care Unit that takes patients who have cardiac-related problems (usually non-surgical).
SICU: Surgical Intensive Care Unit that takes seriously ill patients who have had surgery (including heart surgery).
MICU: Medical Intensive Care Unit that cares for seriously ill patients suffering from non-cardiac medical problems.
Larger teaching hospitals might have several other specialty ICUs such as Neonatal, Respiratory, Pediatric, Neuro, etc.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Does water reduce heart attack risk?

Water for Heart:

Drinking four glasses of water at the start of every day can stop heart attacks and cure varied diseases. Every time you have got a doctor visit, your doctor reminds you to drink the suggested sixty-four ounces of water day by day.
Drinking water at an explicit time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
·         2 glasses of water after waking up. That helps activate your internal organs.
·         1 glass of water half-hour before a meal. That helps digestion.
·         1 glass of water before taking a bath. Doing that helps lower your blood pressure.
·         1 glass of water before going to bed. That avoids stroke or heart attack.

Water Reduce Heart Attack Risk:
According to specialists, beverage at an explicit time of the day will stop a heart failure at midnight. Most heart attacks happen between 6 a.m. and noon, therefore, if you expertise a heart failure throughout the night time, one thing might be wrong. Drinking one 8-ounce glass of water before going to bed can help avoid a heart attack.
·         Drinking water keeps you always hydrated
·         Helps you maintain or lose weight
·         Keeps your body healthy from diseases
·         Might you furthermore grasp that beverage might stop a heart attack
If you are lying down, the lower body seeks level with the kidneys and it is easier for the kidneys to remove the water rather than standing upright. Drinking water before bed helps level out your blood throughout your body to stop heart attacks throughout the night and also the early hours of the morning. Along with drinking water to prevent heart attacks, drinking water provides you with the countless benefits for your body to living a strong and healthy life with a healthy heart.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What is robotic cardiac surgery?

The area of cardiology is facing immense developments that are aimed to enhance the quality of lives for individuals suffering from heart-related problems. One of the major advancements in this particular field is robotically assisted heart surgeries.
In a robotic cardiac surgery, the robot acts as an extension of the doctor's hands. It is a great way to perform surgeries from a long distance.

Compared to other traditional methods of open heart surgery, this procedure is less invasive and carried out through tiny incisions. It would give the doctor a magnified view of the heart as the cameras are located on the sides of the robotic hands. There is more flexibility in the movement compared to the human wrist. It ensures accuracy and precision in the surgical procedure. There is notably lesser loss of blood in the process. It reduces the period of hospitalization as the recovery is faster and efficient.
It is popularly used for tackling heart ailments such as Mitral Valve Repair, Tricuspid Valve Repair, Atrial Septal Defect and Removal of Cardiac Tumors. Researchers and medical professionals are working together each day to imbibe technological assistance in cardiac surgeries. Having the tech at hand would help in reaching remote places. 
The area of cardiology opens its doors to embrace the new advances that inspire to complete the surgery is a shorter span and ensuring high success rates.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What is the TAVR procedure?

TAVR also called as TAVI stands for Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Replacement, or Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation is the minimally invasive surgical procedure to repair the old, damaged valve by inserting a new valve within the diseased valve. The new valve pushes the leaflets of the diseased valves aside and takes over the job of regulating the blood flow.

The TAVR procedure is performed using one of two different approaches, allowing the cardiologist or surgeon to choose which one provides the best and safest way to access the valve:
·         Entering through the femoral artery (large artery in the groin), called the trans femoral approach, which does not require a surgical incision in the chest, or
·         Using a minimally invasive surgical approach with a small incision in the chest and entering through a large artery in the chest or through the tip of the left ventricle (the apex), which is known as the trans-apical approach.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What is cardiac electrophysiology?

· Cardiac electrophysiology is a branch of cardiology which deals with studying the electrical activity of the heart.
·  Electrophysiology is usually done for diagnosing arrythmias (irregular heart beat) and their point of origin in the heart which in turn helps to decide the treatment accordingly.
· It's an invasive procedure and it's usually done by a qualified electrophysiologist.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How do heart transplants work?

Heart transplantation involves the placement of a healthy heart from a (brain dead) cadaveric donor into the recipient with end-stage heart disease.
The surgery involves:
·         A major incision down your chest. Your breastbone is split in half.
·         You are connected to a heart lung bypass machine to support your blood circulation and breathing, to nourish the rest of the body.
·         Most heart transplants are done through a method called orthotopic, cardiac transplantation, where most of your heart is removed and the donor heart is stitched into its place. The front half of the donor heart is sewn to the back half of the old heart.
·         The donor's aorta and pulmonary arteries are connected to yours. The bypass machine is disconnected and your new heart begins the work of pumping blood.
·         Your incisions are closed, and you are transferred to intensive care unit for observation and recovery.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What is bypass surgery?

Bypass surgery refers to a surgical procedure that helps in diverting the blood flow around a blocked or partially blocked artery of the heart. It is done to create a new pathway to the heart and improving the flow of blood to the heart muscle. During this surgery, a healthy, well-functioning blood vessel is taken from the arm, chest or leg and then connected to the other arteries in the heart so that the blood can bypass the blocked or the diseased area.

Problems such as shortness of breath and chest pain, due to poor flow of blood tend to improve after a bypass surgery. It may also improve the heart function and reduce the risk of a heart disease.
One may require a bypass surgery in the following cases:
· Suffering from severe chest pain that is caused due to the narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle
· If more than one coronary artery is diseased, and the left ventricle is not functioning well
·The main coronary artery in the left is narrowed or blocked, as this artery supplies the maximum blood to your left ventricle
·An artery blockage that cannot be cured by angioplasty or a previously done angioplasty or stent placement has been unsuccessful
·Re-stenosis, which involves the narrowing of the artery even after a stent replacement
·In case of emergency situation such as a heart attack, where the patient does not respond to other treatments

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What is Angiography and are there any alternatives for it?

An angiography of the heart is an imaging test that looks into the arteries that supply heart with blood. Angiography can detect if there is any blockage in the coronary arteries due to build-up of fat or Build-up of fluid around the heart & damage or injury in the heart valves. Where the blockage exactly is and how big it is.

CT Angiography is preferred because there are many benefits of this test. It is a non-invasive procedure. This test has lower risks of complications. It takes a minimal cost and time too.

A thallium stress test is another option, it is a nuclear imaging test that shows how well blood flows into the heart while you’re exercising or at rest. This test is also called a cardiac or nuclear stress test.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Why are cardiac ablations done?

Cardiac ablation is a minimally invasive heart procedure carried out by an Interventional cardiologist in a Cardiac Catheterization laboratory in order to treat abnormal heart rhythm (Arrhythmia).
It is also known as Cardiac catheter ablation or Radiofrequency ablation. It involves use of radiofrequency energy to destroy a small portion of heart tissue that is responsible for faulty electrical signals causing irregular heartbeat.
Under normal scenario, when heart is functioning normally, there are specialized cardiac muscle cells forming the cardiac conduction system that is responsible for generating and propagation of electrical signals to the heart muscles causing them to contract in coordination, so that the blood is pumped effectively.

RFA is usually recommended when medicines for treating arrhythmia are either causing side effects or are ineffective. Radiofrequency ablation helps in restoration of normal heart rhythm. It is important to note here that every patient with abnormal heartbeat does not require RFA. Most of the patients do get good results from medicines alone, however, few of them may not, for which the heart specialist will determine the viability and benefits of RFA after running certain tests and clinically evaluating the patient.

Medicines act on the abnormal heart tissue and try restore the normal heart rhythm whereas RFA (Radiofrequency ablation) destroys the trouble causing tissue once for all.
SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia), atrial flutter or fibrillation are the indications for RFA. Irregular heartbeat leads to ineffective pumping of blood by the heart causing symptoms such as fainting spells, shortness of breath and fatigue.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

What is TR in cardiology?

Tricuspid valve regurgitation forth is a condition where the valve between the two right heart chambers (right ventricle and right chamber) doesn't close appropriately. The breaking down valve enables blood to stream once more into your heart's upper right chamber (right chamber).

Side effects:
Tricuspid valve regurgitation forth regularly doesn't cause signs or indications until the condition is extreme. You might be determined to have this condition when having tests for different conditions.
Detectable signs and indications of tricuspid valve disgorging may include:
·         Weariness
·         Declining exercise limit
·         Swelling in your stomach area, legs or veins in your neck
·         Irregular heart rhythms
·         Beating in your neck
·         Shortness of breath with action
You may likewise notice signs or indications of the fundamental condition that is causing tricuspid valve disgorging, for example, pneumonic hypertension. Pneumonic hypertension indications may incorporate weariness, shortcoming, trouble practicing and shortness of breath.

Monday, July 15, 2019

What is the best daily diet for a healthy heart?

Heart healthy diet

What to eat:—
·       Eat unrefined serials such as brown bread, bran flakes as they contain more fiber which delays the absorption of glucose.
·       Foods rich in fiber like dried beans, peas and lentils, fresh vegetables and fruits.
·       Whole grain cereals, breads, brown rice, oat bran etc.
·       Use non-fat or low fat milk and milk products as they contain less fat.
·       Vegetable both raw and cooked.
·       Garlic and herbs.
·       Oily fish like sardine, mackerel and salmon etc.
·       Fish and poultry (remove skin from chicken and choose lean cuts.)
·       Skimmed milk and low fat products.
·       Soybeans and soya milk.
·       Drink plenty of water and fluids (8–9 glass of water / day).
·       Use only 1–3 tsp. of oil (olive oil, canola, sunflower etc.) per day.
·       Do some regular exercise such as walking at least 30 minutes per day.

What not to eat:—
·       Avoid fatty foods.
·       Avoid saturated fat (fat from animal, ghee, butter, cheese). Instead use mono saturated or polyunsaturated (olive oil, canola oil,
·       Corn oil, sunflower oil, soy oil and safflower oil).
·       Sugar and sweet foods like fizzy drinks, / coke, Pepsi, 7-up) sweets, chocolates, cookies, energy drinks, custards.
·       Egg yolk (egg white can be used).
·       Fish packed in oil, fried foods.
·       Fruits canned or cooked with sugar.
·       Potato chips, corn chips, French fries.
·       Sugar, ketchup, syrup, jams, cakes, butter, ice-cream, sweet pickles, salad dressings, sausages etc.
·       Too much sodium and salt.
·       Reduce the amount of salt in cooking.
·       Do not add salt at the table.
·       Eat fewer high salt, high sodium foods, such as canned soups and processed foods.
·       Animal meats like mutton, beef and organ meats like kidney, liver, brain; sea foods like shrimps, oysters.