Monday, July 15, 2019

What is the best daily diet for a healthy heart?

Heart healthy diet

What to eat:—
·       Eat unrefined serials such as brown bread, bran flakes as they contain more fiber which delays the absorption of glucose.
·       Foods rich in fiber like dried beans, peas and lentils, fresh vegetables and fruits.
·       Whole grain cereals, breads, brown rice, oat bran etc.
·       Use non-fat or low fat milk and milk products as they contain less fat.
·       Vegetable both raw and cooked.
·       Garlic and herbs.
·       Oily fish like sardine, mackerel and salmon etc.
·       Fish and poultry (remove skin from chicken and choose lean cuts.)
·       Skimmed milk and low fat products.
·       Soybeans and soya milk.
·       Drink plenty of water and fluids (8–9 glass of water / day).
·       Use only 1–3 tsp. of oil (olive oil, canola, sunflower etc.) per day.
·       Do some regular exercise such as walking at least 30 minutes per day.

What not to eat:—
·       Avoid fatty foods.
·       Avoid saturated fat (fat from animal, ghee, butter, cheese). Instead use mono saturated or polyunsaturated (olive oil, canola oil,
·       Corn oil, sunflower oil, soy oil and safflower oil).
·       Sugar and sweet foods like fizzy drinks, / coke, Pepsi, 7-up) sweets, chocolates, cookies, energy drinks, custards.
·       Egg yolk (egg white can be used).
·       Fish packed in oil, fried foods.
·       Fruits canned or cooked with sugar.
·       Potato chips, corn chips, French fries.
·       Sugar, ketchup, syrup, jams, cakes, butter, ice-cream, sweet pickles, salad dressings, sausages etc.
·       Too much sodium and salt.
·       Reduce the amount of salt in cooking.
·       Do not add salt at the table.
·       Eat fewer high salt, high sodium foods, such as canned soups and processed foods.
·       Animal meats like mutton, beef and organ meats like kidney, liver, brain; sea foods like shrimps, oysters.

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